Training on a heavy punching bag will increase stamina and striking power. Before working out on the bag, tape your hands and wrists to prevent injury. Use boxing gloves or heavy bag gloves during the training session. Set a timer for three minutes, which is the length of each round you will train on the heavy bag. Start the workout by throwing some light kicks and punches to loosen up. Circle around the bag and imagine you are fighting a real opponent. Keep your head moving, to simulate slipping a punch. After the first round ends, take a one-minute break. Drink some water and stretch during the rest period. Set the timer for another three minutes and then begin the next round. Continue to work on kicking and punching technique during each round. Try to train for at least five rounds during the workout.
Kickboxing training tips to increase coordination include speed bag work. A speed bag usually hangs from a wall at around eye level. The bag is about the size of a football and attaches to a swivel that allows it to swing back and forth. Hitting the speed bag develops hand-eye coordination and hand speed. Kicking the bag helps a fighter work on measuring the distance to strike an opponent in the head. Vary the bag strikes between kicks and punches during a workout. Try to train for 10 three-minute rounds, which will work on stamina and overall fitness.